Monday, March 31, 2014

"The Banner Girl"

Growing up with a mom who hand painted all my birthday dresses, was known as “the bow lady” at my old cheerleading gym, and made just about every one of my Halloween costumes, crafting is basically in my blood.
My inherited skills definitely can come in handy quite a bit, especially being an involved member of the Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity at the university of Tennessee.
To most sorority girls, being crafty is a blessing, but what they do not know is that it can also be a curse. There is always something going on that requires some type of artistic ability and once the word gets out that you have any ounce of artistic ability, you instantly become the new go-to girl, every single time…
It wasn't long after I accepted my bid that the word got out, and similar to my mom, I officially became known as "the banner girl." It takes me on average a good twenty plus hours to come up with a creative design, sketch the design on a large piece of fabric, and then paint the entire thing. With that being said, sleep deprivation is a guarantee. 
Here are a few examples of the banners I have drawn and painted for philanthropy events:
Kappa Sig South Seas 2013

Lambda Chi Watermelon Bust 2012

Sigma Chi Derby Days 2013

Banners, however, are not the only projects I am asked to help with. Now that Spring has arrived, so has the season for fraternity out of town formals, aka season for painting coolers. Although, I will not be attending a fraternity formal this spring season, I will be helping paint at least three coolers, and by help, I actually mean I’ll be designing and painting everything except for maybe the first basic coat of paint.
I am currently working on a cooler for my little, as well as, a cooler for my best friend who will be attending Kappa Sigma's formal this coming Saturday. Although the fact that people come to me for help is a great complement, my perfectionist side comes out with every project, which causes me great stress. With that being said, the struggles of being crafty in a sorority world are very real!
  Alyssa Perrone 
"The Banner Girl"